600+ doctors say there is a problem! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn0V5uItsVc&feature=share
600+ doctors say there is a problem! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn0V5uItsVc&feature=share
Did you know the entire financial system is built on a falsehood? Have you heard of Bibi Bacchus and the strawman? Basically, everything you think you own - you don't. However, there is something called Common law and you can regain your rightful sovereignty as a free human being. This video explains it far better than I can. What it will mean for you, is that you can re-claim your mortgage and you can finally get to honestly and truly own the car you think you own, and the land your house sits on. This is not just the UK, this is the USA too! Unbelievable! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmzJEce795s&t=28s
Gesara has been signed up to by 290 countries and it is what President Trump is currently working on. All assets frozen from child trafficking, and fraudulent banking practices, are being re-distributed. It is impossible to say when that will happen for most countries, but it is certainly happening in the US. These are amazing times. But if you are feeling trapped and forced into having a dna changing vaccine because of your job - have a look at the Common Law Court first... it might take the financial fear away. https://www.commonlawcourt.com/
This is a fully comprehensive, well-written article by Dr Mercola, who explains that hydroxychloroquine plus zinc does work, is cheap, but was banned. 'Americasfrontlinedoctors' not only had their fb platform taken down but their entire website! But not before 14 million people saw their report and over half a million shared it.
Do you not find that suspicious? Is it not happy news that there is an effective treatment?
Another from Dr Mercola on prophylaxis with vitamin D and Magnesium. The trial had very good results with a pretty bog standard vitamin and mineral combination. Just an example of taking good healthcare and preventative measures as opposed to the colossal leap into dna changing and microchips. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/08/11/vitamin-d-magnesium-b12-improve-covid-outcomes.aspx?cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20200811Z2&mid=DM621177&rid=937380890
And this is an excellent post courtesy of Dr Jack Kruse - as per our previous data from Oxford Healthwatch - the 80% immunity is already here. This whole thing where dna changing vaccines with nanochip technology could be mandatory, is a nonsense. And frightening. Unneccessary and very threatening on a global scale. https://www.facebook.com/239883926075969/posts/3692729390791388/?d=n
Okay - goggles... are they serious? https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/08/12/do-you-need-goggles-for-coronavirus.aspx?cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20200812Z2&mid=DM621178&rid=938153072
Meet Bill Gates:
Trial results - US and Oxford.... please urgently see this article on the breakdown of these trials so far. The mammal stages did not work. Massive doses are needed. Healthy young volunteers experienced 21% adverse events in the US trial, and 100% side effects. Gates admitted repeated doses would be needed for it to offer any efficacy. In Oxford, they are using other agents to counter side effects while stating the side effects were minimal. I used to work in pharmaceuticals... this is UNHEARD of!!! They will change dna and there will be no liability compensation (link on previous post ... )
In order to read the full article on mercola, you do need to put in your email address but it's a good health site and the information is imperative.
600+ doctors say there is a problem! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn0V5uItsVc&feature=share