While this link regarding mandatory vaccinations is UK based, it is likely to be a global intention and carried out in many countries. This is basically forced injections! What if you have antibodies already? Are they saying our antibodies aren't good enough? How do they know? They mention the additional benefit of T-Cell stimuli. You get this with sunshine. Here are the points people might like to consider before consenting. If they get the opportunity to consent or not!
1. As an ex-pharmaceutical worker, I know most medications take 1-10 years to come to the market. Recently, under oath, Dr Fauci admitted in court that normally a vaccine would take 6 years. It also takes 2-6 years to obtain a code for the drug. These vaccines will be out in what will be 6-8 months! And the code was through in a matter of months. In brief - they are rushed! The Oxford trial alone (funded by Mr Gates) failed at mammal stage yet went straight through to human phase. Normally, if mammal and human trial stage are successful, a drug would then undergo a random double-blind, placebo controlled study across the board - usually spanning several hospitals, overseen by consultants who then report the data, which would eventually be published and then sold on a black triangle basis (ie a further year for adverse event reporting). In other words, it is a lengthy process. The end result is where there are 'significant' benefits and minimal side effects. There will always be side effects and also adverse events, but benefits should far outweigh risks. THESE ARE RUSHED.
2. These vaccines, as stated before, are not the homeopathic ones of old. They change your DNA and the long term effects are as such unknown. See our previous post(and page) on covid vaccine technology, which includes links and references. Yet the UK is asking for half a MILLION volunteers this autumn. Once the genetic structure is changed this is irreversible.
3. The fear factor regarding the virus is predominant and currently outweighting the fear of the 'solution'. As we have stated before - the death rates are reported daily into people's living rooms via the tv. People are more frightened of a virus than they are of a vaccine. But what price for not getting this strain of coronoavirus? A mandatory DNA changing vaccine will lead to everyone being told to have it... that is what it means... so it will be illegal not to. How will they check? Microchips with 5G technology will enable us all to be scanned. Without it, perhaps you will not be able to travel, work or go anywhere. They are working towards a cashless society - so perhaps you will not be able to buy or sell anything. What are we walking into if this is mandatory? Again - see our post on 5G radiation. Also our post on treatment options.
4. Why does everyone need to have one? This is about protection. So if a person chooses to have it why do they need to tell everyone else to have it? They are protected and that was their choice... so why does another person need to have it if they don't want it? It should be choice if you want to protect yourself and take this chance with your dna. But compulsory and we ALL LOSE OUR FREEDOM. And it will be irreversible.
5. The UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 are very clear indeed. Who funds the UN to the tune of around 4 billion a year? Who funds GAVI to the tune of around 3 billion a year? Who funds the Oxford and Imperial College labs in the UK? Who is the major shareholder in most of the billion dollar blue chip pharma companies? Who is wanted for crimes against humanity in India and many countries in Africa? These are not theories or conspiracies - this information is in black and white for all to see.
6. What is the real incidence of antibodies? Matt Hancock says 5%! A recent report from scientists, that was published in the Telegraph in July, estimated 80% Bit of disparity there, then! And how likely are you to be hospitalised by covid? What about successful treatments? (see previous post) How does it compare with normal flu and what about the far bigger killers such as cardiac and cancer? The stats on this will be our next post in order to gain perspective. Most data already released shows that those under 60 with no other conditions are looking at about a 99% survival rate. So why would you risk your dna for that? Have a look at flu vaccines and see how many people still get flu. Why are mandatory - forced injections into our veins... even on the cards? We predict the anti-vax hatred to kick off soon but they should ask why they are in favour of this, because if they are protected and made their choice, it won't affect them if someone else doesn't have it.
Our conclusion is simple. We won't make yours for you. Just please ask questions and search outside mainstream media. All the main social media channels are blocking questions. Why? Who are these people? Why are they removing posts from jobbing doctors discussing cures and successful treatments? Why are they removing all posts that are not pro-vaccine (and mask) agenda?
To re-iterate - all of this information is out there. All of the answers are out there. We accuse no one of anything. We are simply bringing it all together and asking questions. Persepctive is needed. Our futures depend on it.
Meet Bill Gates: