Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Gesara and Common Law

 Did you know the entire financial system is built on a falsehood? Have you heard of Bibi Bacchus and the strawman? Basically, everything you think you own - you don't. However, there is something called Common law and you can regain your rightful sovereignty as a free human being. This video explains it far better than I can. What it will mean for you, is that you can re-claim your mortgage and you can finally get to honestly and truly own the car you think you own, and the land your house sits on. This is not just the UK, this is the USA too! Unbelievable!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmzJEce795s&t=28s

Gesara has been signed up to by 290 countries and it is what President Trump is currently working on. All assets frozen from child trafficking, and fraudulent banking practices, are being re-distributed. It is impossible to say when that will happen for most countries, but it is certainly happening in the US. These are amazing times. But if you are feeling trapped and forced into having a dna changing vaccine because of your job  - have a look at the Common Law Court first... it might take the financial fear away. https://www.commonlawcourt.com/




600 Doctors

  600+ doctors say there is a problem! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn0V5uItsVc&feature=share