Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Do you trust mainstream media to be unbiased?

Mainstream media - television and newspapers with a wide distribution network of a million ++ per country. Are they all owned by the same people? Do they pretty much state the same information with the same agenda? Do you trust them to give you agenda-free information? Is there ever any good news?

Are they reporting the fact that many elderly people in the UK are being told to use Zoom in order to have a consultation with their GP? Most elderly people are not even on the internet. How about all the bankruptcies, conditions that went untreated during lockdown, operations cancelled, cancer screening not done, suicides and incidents of domestic violence which happened as a result? Or did they focus only on covid deaths? People died alone because relatives could not see them, funerals were unattended, weddings cancelled... the list goes on and on... Did they ever report on the scientific analysis published in the Telegraph that most people in the UK (80%) will already have antibodies, and the New York study which showed that 70%  are estimated to have them? Have they reported on the  the antibody at-home kits that were made unavailable? Have they reported on the doctors who have spoken out on the good results they had with hydroxychloroquine when combined with zinc and an anitbiotic? Surely all of those factors would be cause for a huge celebration and would bring enormous relief?? Yet those doctors had their posts removed from social media!!

Do you know about Operation Mockingbird? As always we recommend using a non-tracked search engine such as 'duckduckgo'.



600 Doctors

  600+ doctors say there is a problem! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn0V5uItsVc&feature=share