Check out the massive multi-level planning doc that can be found on the
World Economic Forum website, which has been decades in the making.
There are documents on human gene enhancement, mass vaccines, the
Internet of Things, bio IDs, new gobal governance, Artificial
Intelligence, the 4th Industrial Revolution, 5G mass surveillance,
controlled cashless society, the Great Reset, and much more. This
dystopian and totalitarian tyranny with loss of freedom and human
rights is where things are heading unless people push back. The WEF are
one of the global groups who run the world.… Also see the Rockerfeller Lockstep program where 4 of their scenarios are being implemented concurrently:…/Rockefeller_Vakf%C4%B1n%C4%B1n_M…
600 Doctors
600+ doctors say there is a problem!
Hello everyone! This is Post No. 3 on the public wearing of face masks. According to the most recent studies in both New York and the UK, sc...
Here are two highly disturbing videos we have just come across - the first from a virologist who has been working on vaccines for Mr Gates, ...
Stop Press: Big pharma ...