Welcome to Echo Blue. We are a group of like-minded people, seriously questioning what is happening in the world today. We feel this is a situation that will never return to 'normal' and that the consequences of the decisions taken now, by a few for the many, will have devastating consequences. It is time for the 'little people' - us - to pay attention and quickly.
During the course of the next couple of months, events will either turn towards a radical exposure of those who mean to turn this crisis to their advantage, or a mass submission to what will surely result in a totalitraian Orwellian nightmare, from which it will be impossible to recover. Sound dramatic? It is. After hundreds of hours of research (and much verbal abuse online) we have some topics of urgency to put forward. We must clearly state that we have nothing to gain personally from spending this inordinate amount of time putting these posts together. We are doing this because we are extremely concerned for the welfare of ourselves and most of humanity. We don't care about colour, religion, status, wealth or political affiliations. This transcends all of it. Remember, the billionaire elites will not be subjected to what the rest of us have hanging over our heads.
These are the topics to be covered in the first instance, and they will be posted regularly.
1. The availability (or not) of antibody tests for coronavirus that can be done at home; in conjunction with the estimated incidence of those already in possession of their own antibodies.
2. The current testing for symptoms of covid and why most people will test positive. Why did covid go on most people's death certificates and what were the real statistics? An enquiry has been requested by government on this issue.
3. The rush to bring in vaccines, the trial data so far, and what the
complex components mean. These are not the homeopathic vaccines of old.
What are microchips and why do we need them if most of us already have
antibodies? Several virologists have spoken out and we will post their
videos and links. Hundreds of billions of dollars stand to be made from
vaccinating us!
4. Why was a simple, effective and well-used treatment banned in most countries? What are the trials on this?
5. Masks. We look at why these are being forced on the public, how effective they are, what the dangers are to the wearer, and how long people are being told to wear them for. We also look at the laws brought in, which make them mandatory - especially we are looking at the discrepancies and misinformation.
6. Just how terrifying and deadly is covid? We take the figures from government data and put into perspective other fatalities such as those dying of cancer or heart disease, those who didn't get their operations, became mentally ill, or even committed suicide. These deaths dwarf those of covid, and especially those who died only of covid with no other co-morbidities.
7. Electro-magnetic frequency. 5G. Radiation, HAARP. The Hadron Collidor. What this level of radiation does to us and what we can do to protect ourselves and our families.
8. Do you know what is in your water, food, and even the air? We will post links to why it matters and what we can do about it. We also ask why!
9. Moving out of the virus situation, we will look at the very people who own and control all of the big pharma, major corporations, media, food, tech and banks, control goverments, own science labs and fund the world's decision making organisations. How do the high profile arrests and speculation regarding film stars and certain politicians connect to what is happening now? We think you will see how the dots add up and why it is vital we pay attention.
10. Mind control through media, the Tavistock Institute, The Fabian Society, the CIA etc Yes, that is mind control of us. Movies, tv, papers and now through social media, noting especially the current censorship and removal of posts. A fear agenda will bring us down to base level acceptance of authority, hence the possible hostility of people approving of and even protecting the agenda itself. This is basic psychology being used to great effect, which is why stepping away from the tv and doing our own research is imperative.
11. History repeats itself. A different approach to what is happening today. Warnings from the past and ancient civilisations. No, our ancestors were not stone-age and that's it. Many people have thoroughly researched and documented some staggering information and we will share this as we uncover it. If those who are experts in the field would like to get in touch please do. It helps shed light on what is happening today.
12. When the full impact hits us, it can be devastating. One of two of us on the team have floundered for sure. Out of Shadows and Fall of the Cabal on Bitchute were our introductions in terms of seeing the illusion and feeling the shock as veils of deceit were lifted from our eyes. We believe that many many others across the globe are floundering right now, too, and these are the people we are reaching out to. You are right - nothing is at it seems. Who do we turn to? When religion has become unfashionable, when violent or pornographic films are the norm, when everyone lives their life through a little blue screen and scoffs at anything spiritual? When we get to this point, there is one particular member of our team who can help.
* The first blog follows immediately. As more information comes in, the blogs will be added to. Comments have only been disallowed because of the sheer level of abuse and attacks aimed at anyone opposing the agenda. As stated, this is for those people who are struggling with what is happening, have not had time to do the research themselves, who want to learn more and know more... and to provide them with that springboard.
1. This first article is taken from the Daily Telegraph (no, we have no affiliation and don't even take the paper). https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/07/17/exclusive-game-changing-coronavirus-antibody-test-passes-first/
The piece discusses the antibody home-testing kit which looks similar to a pregnancy testing kit and will give a 98.6% accuracy result inside of 20 mins. We are not sure why it has to be sent to a lab. We are not happy with sending blood/dna off to labs when we don't know who owns or runs the lab in question. But it does show the technology is there. It surely had to be easier to bring to market than a vaccine, yet it seems we are neck and neck between knowing we have our own antibodies and being co-erced into having a vaccine. The word 'coerced' is used because we, each of us in the team, have reports of family or friends being rung by medical centres here in the UK to be on the priority vaccination list. One lady was told, after a third call, that not to have one would be 'suicidal'.
So let's look at the likely incidence of having our own antibodies. The scientiic team here suggest it is likely 80-90% of us have antibodies already. A recent report from New York found 70% had antibodies. However , it is likely big pharma will tell us our antibodies are not enough protection. Their vaccines have other properties. Well, antibodies have always done the job in the past. There is plenty of data on the efficacy of homeopathic vaccines - ie where a small amount of the virus will stimulate your own immune system. This is very simplistic so please do your own research. Personally, I know I had covid back in January, and I am more than happy to trust my own antibodies. But hey, that would be a cheap solution.... Would it not be preferable to have a vaccine at a huge cost (a figure of £477 per shot was quoted on one article, but again this needs to be verified) especially when the government has just bought 90 million shots... they sure do intend to vax us. Why, though? We will come to the topic of vaccines in other countries on post 3 later this week.
Next post will look at the true incidence of covid in the UK (apologies to those overseas but we only have access to UK data on stats... most other reports will be worldwide).
We will leave you with this quote from Matt Hancock, UK Govt Minister, on the 21st July 2020, as told to the Commons Science and Technology Committee. 'At the start it was pretty reasonable to say if someone had ever registered positive and died, they died from covid...'
Those tests are not specific! Coronaviruses have been around for many many years - most of us would test positive. TBC....
A concise summary:https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-07-28-connecting-the-dots-on-covid-19-deception.html