Friday, 31 July 2020

5G and yes - 6G!

5G and Electromagnetic Fields

Keeping an open mind to stimulate and provoke our thinking…if you get it great if you do not that is fine too…

This subject is so huge, but I urge you to do your own research.

5th generation technology has a higher bandwidth, power density and artificial waveforms which will give us higher download speeds and connectivity. 5G is essentially the network of the ‘Internet of Things’ 5G enables wireless devices to connect to each other through these increased speeds by using higher frequency radio waves.

We hear about cell phone transmitters going up everywhere, why? Because higher frequency waves have a shorter range therefore, they need more transmitters to enable 5G to work properly. I think different locations across the globe will have varying strengths of this technology because of the different landscapes (topology) we all live in.

How could have this all started?

Look at these links:

This is Project Pandora 4.33 minutes -

New York Times article, 1965 -

Makes you wonder how frequencies work! If Dr Delgado could do this to a bull, then what is stopping this happening through the electromagnetic frequency radiation such as 5G?


A real treasure of a book called ‘Going Somewhere’ by Andrew Marino, a physicist and lawyer, who did a lot of work in the electromagnetic fields area is well worth a read.


Have a look at these videos, good insight into 5G and its effect on human health and our environment.


Part 1 35.50 minutes -

Part 2 24.14 minutes -

Part 3 30.32 minutes -


Main take home point from these videos was as the power density, waveform and bandwidth of this technology increases the effects on our global health which could spiral DOWN!! Its already happening, look at the prevalence and incidence of diseases across the world compared to 10, 20, 30+ years ago.


Let us look at the National Toxicology Programme study….

If rats can develop cancerous tumours with 2G or 3G, what chance do humans have?

Another link which is extremely informative on health effects of 5G….

Finally, look what could potentially be coming our way in the future….6G.

Chemtrails information

So here the conspiracy theorists go again - pesky people asking questions about their own health and what is happening to the planet. There is a lot of  'debunking' from Harvard and the BBC on this topic... and frankly, we had an open mind on the topic because we didn't know if those huge, criss-crossed trails were simply aviation fumes cooling and icing. However, vapour trails from planes disappear quite quickly. These don't. It doesn't take a genius to see this, and it doesn't take Einstein to point out that the skies were not like this before... However, we are not experts so we searched for clarification. This link will take you to clips from an ex-RAF pilot, meteoroligist and ex-military. Even the government concedes they are trying to alter weather patterns, so it's hardlly a conspiracy theory. Meantime.... interesting and disturbing information, as seems to be the case more and more...

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

What's in our food and water?

Some of the largest food production companies, particularly those producing processed food or fast food, are incorporating ingredients you may not be aware of. The more we discovered, the more we decided to stick to organic, natural and simple foods, preferably sourced locally ie to eat less but have better quality. It does take more time, but as in our parents and grandparents' days, a large batch can be made ahead if busy days are coming up, and although organic does cost more, you really can do a lot with a box of veges and make them go a long way. More people, those who can, are growing their own and will have a glut at some point, so maybe band together on that one? There's also the question of totally re-addressing what we spend our hard-earned money on - do we need more gadgets and more clothes and more designer accessories or make-up palettes? They cost a bomb. The money mostly goes to big companies owned by the billionaire elites. And this is your health - your mind, your body! What we eat affects not just our bodies but our mental health. Research the effect sugar has on you, not just directly on weight but on insulin release and how that will make you crave more... yes, sugar. We have a type 2 diabetes epidemic - we'll try to pull the stats on how many die from this every year - another perspective during this fear over coronaviruses (and this was a group more affected by the viruses than most others, except for cardiovascular).

But you will no doubt know that? And know it is a question of breaking habits and overhauling lifestyles and priorities in order to take charge of your own health and staying out of hospital. However, did you know about  Hek-293? Nor did we.. but if you go to you will see how this is obtained, what it is, and that it is used in vaccines and medication. So if you had a flu shot or a shingles shot, or certain medications you will have had it. But it's also in food, so yes - nearly all of us have ingested this 'ugh' ingredient at some point. Major companies, (most owned by the same elite groups who own all the banks, big pharma, science labs, tech and media)... are putting this in some food and drinks as taste enhancers. Hek-293 is not foetal tissue per se but extracted from foetal kidney tissue. There are a few debunking articles but not many because it's all there to see, in plain sight. We recommend doing searches via 'duckduckgo' ... Some of the products in these lists are a bit of a shock!

There are, in addition to this, highly disturbing court cases where clinics admit to selling on aborted body parts. This is not the only link, but yes - this is really happening. Who owns Planned Parenthood? And regarding the petitions, who owns ? Do all roads lead to vaccines and laboratories?

Fluoride in water.

We were told it was essential for teeth. But did you know that this has a calcifiying effect on the pineal gland? This gland is in the centre of your brain and is responsible for your sixth sense, or your awareness of who you really are. This article explains it far better than we can. There are other issues arising from this calcification - bipolar and alzheimers, along with low back pain are a couple of aspects to investigate. A good fluoride-filtering water jug for just £24.99 can be bought from Lakeland, and as per the article, there are other manufacturers too. Fluoride-free toothpaste is available from many health-food companies, and there are also natural ingredients which can help de-calcify. Some of us on this team have not used fluoride for years, decades, and all have healthy teeth. Sugar does damage to teeth! Ultimately it is your decision. What we are doing here is presenting information that is largely not promoted or discussed on mainstream media. This is a really good breakdown of the information but there are many others too.

Monday, 27 July 2020


Hi everyone - this library of information is ongoing. We are collating all available, well-sourced information from clinical trials, working doctors, published articles, victim accounts and knowldege already in the public arena but unreported on msm. Much of this information is either suppressed in mainstream media, not reported at all, and/or censored on social media networks. The question is begged, if there is no agenda and nothing to hide from us - then why is this information not made more public? Where are the journalists? The mantra that information not coming via mainstream sources is conspiracy or irresponsible no longer washes.
Coming soon.. .5G and emf, plus how to protect yourself and why you need to.
What is in processed food and what is in the water? Why it is important and what you can do.
What is in cosmetics and skin products? And again, what you can do about it.
Meanwhile, who owns what?

Friday, 24 July 2020

The covid vaccine

Well, the vaccine has been on the agenda since day 1. Who's first?

There is so much concern about keeping us all safe. Safe from what? Let's be sure we're talking about the same thing... Our taxes are being used to fund GAVI (global vaccines agenda) and we believe we have bought ourselves 90 million shots, despite the fact the vaccines are not ready, and are most definitely not the homeopathic ones of old (ie just enough to stimulate those antibodies most us already have.) So, if you feel your antibodies are not enough (should you be able to get hold of a test) and would like a vaccine - we would strongly recommend doing a heck of a lot of research because these will be shot into your veins pretty soon. And those of your children and your elderly relatives. So let's have a look at the man instigating all of the research, funding all the labs

It's common knowledge Bill Gates is behind the drive for vaccines. What does he fund and who is he? Firstly he funds the UN to the tune of 4.4 billion a year. Another one is the Oxford University lab making one of the vaccines heading for the UK market. On this trial alone, did you know that the mammal phase showed the macaques sickened on exposure to covid? Yet it went right on through to human phase. Have a look at what else he funds because it's phenomenal (we were surprised to find he even funds the site, so those petitions of protest are through him, too). The following link shows the pharmaceutical companies currently racing for a vaccine. Who are the major shareholders? These vaccines are going to make billions and billions... The link after that one shows you the results at the mammal stage of trial in Oxford. We will come to the Texan doctors’ summary, also. 

     So what about Mr Gates' track record regarding vaccines? Here is what happened to children in India. There are also many reports of issues arising in Africa concerning the rna vaccine. Please do research - we suggest using 'duckduckgo' as it isn't tracked or full of 'debunked' articles.  

     Boris Johnson (UK PM) is currently working 'shoulder to shoulder' with Mr Gates, who publicly and clearly stated (on video) he could help ‘depopulate the world by around 15%’. Another leaked video shows Gates presenting data to the CIA, on reducing rebellion or anger by vaccination:

    What is in the vaccines, do you know? An enquiry in Germany is currently underway, headed by three German doctors asking all of these questions and more. And then there is Dr Mikovits, a virologist who conducted work on vaccines in the US, and who was prevented from publishing it, even jailed. She had shown there were various side effects and long term issues following vaccination. And another virologist, Dr Madej, explains about microchips or nanochip technology inside the vaccines, along with dna altering components.
What does it mean when they say dna altering? Well, these are not the homeopathic ones of old where you got a small amount of the disease that would stimulate your own antibodies. These will change your dna forever. In unknown ways! This is frontier genetic code experimentation.  All this for a flu virus? Yet according to the latest poll in the UK Telegraph, 70% of people would still have one.

This one is so disturbing even the doctor cried - see both of hers here, including what is in them!

Dr. Judy Mikovits - Responding To Criticism Surrounding her Viral Documentary 'The Plandemic' from London Real on Apple Podcasts.

Just in!!

'Thanks to our great Texas State Senator, Bob Hall these 6 Physicians who are the pioneer thought leaders in Texas in this noble effort to eradicate this Corona Virus have been brought together to paint the real picture of how to deal with COVID-19, or SARS-CoV-2. Listen as these medical doctors tell you what they have learned about early intervention medical treatment and why they are no longer afraid of COVID-19. DR. BARTLETT’S PROTOCOL EMPTIED AN ICU IN A HOSPITAL SOUTH OF SAN ANTONIO IN 48 HOURS.

We can shift our strategy to that of early intervention medical treatment of those who are infected and the medically vulnerable. These ‘boots-on-the-ground’ medical doctors are successfully treating patients in this battle. WHY wait Tomorrow for a double-blinded randomized placebo-controlled Vaccine that is being “rushed to market” vs several anecdotal protocols that are saving lives Today.  WE DO NOT NEED A VACCINE.  Bill Gates, “of course some people are going to be injured (by the Covid vaccine), that’s why we need indemnity to lawsuits.”  He’s expecting 700,000 people to have negative side effects.  Preliminary results on the Covid-19 Vaccine Trial are in and 21% had severe adverse reactions. There will never be a safe and effective RNA Vaccine. P.S. Covid-19 has a 99.7% survival rate. 

Visiting now with: Dennis Spence DDS, M.D., Robin Armstrong, M.D., Brian C. Procter, M.D., Richard P. Bartlett, M.D. Stella Immanuel, M.D.Richard Urso, M.D.

 (NOTE: Dr. Richard P. Bartlett, M.D. had an unforeseen conflict during the first part of this hour, he appears (1:06:00) into the clip. HIS PROTOCOL EMPTIED AN ICU IN A HOSPITAL SOUTH OF SAN ANTONIO IN 48 HOURS). Be sure to view the full LIVE video to not miss his great feedback. The entire clip is worth it. These are proven Life-saving Protocols). 


Trials so far:

By the way - the UK Govt are looking for half a million volunteers by October. We could helpfully suggest the Government ministers and their families first, and everyone in the media along with their families. After all, it's the British way to say, 'You first, old chap...'

Thursday, 23 July 2020


Hello everyone!

This is Post No. 3 on the public wearing of face masks. According to the most recent studies in both New York and the UK, scientists studying the prevalence of antibodies for covid-19 estimate between 70 and 90% of the population will likely already have antibodies. Please do check this up for yourself but the latter is includided in the article in Post 1, above, published in the Daily Telegraph. If we add to this the statement made by the Director of Emerging Diseases at the WHO on 8th June, who said it was extremely rare for asymptomatic people to be able to pass anything on. (This was then changed due to lobbying) then...erm....most people haven't got anything to spread....  However, this post is about the actual efficacy of the things and the effect on our own health, on those forced to wear them - ie benefit v risks to the majority.  

1. Efficacy. The writer of this article worked as a nurse in recovery and operating theatres at one time, and has also worked for a major pharmaceutical company in microbiology. Medical grade masks are worn in operating theatres by staff with regard to cross-contamination. These masks will work for a certain period of time only, before needing to be changed. Thus the cloth and cheap masks being worn are of little use. In fact, viruses are so tiny you cannot see them under a microscope, unlike bacteria, so sure they are going to filter easily through a bit of material (should you have symptoms to actually pass on). And if a virus is also spread by touch, which it is, then again if you were hoping to protect yourself you would not only need to wear a medical grade mask and change it regularly, but also wear gloves and after you've touched anything, change the gloves. Articles and links to doctors and independent medical advice are below, but please do your own research - it is so important that you do. There are plenty of medical advisors paid for by governments and institutions who will now say we should wear them (after all this time, and with flights still landing from highly infected counties througout lockdown)... but have a look at who they are and who pays their mortgages first... We feel we cannot trust anyone at face value anymore - we must research this for ourselves. The doctors we are listening to are those who are sticking their necks out despite all the risks; along with those who are fully independent. We do however, also include a CDC link written in 2018!

2. They can and do cause hypoxia and will reduce lung efficacy. Have a look into this.... If you have the flu or a chest infection, then the healthier your lungs are the better and quicker your recovery. Without going into the stats yet, although we have them pulled from the UK Govt's own site and will publish those shortly, most people are walking around with antibodies, are asymptomatic, and are healthy. Put a mask on however, and very soon you are getting a reduced amount of oxygen. Not only that, but the masks are a moist breeding ground for bacteria and viruses to proliferate. And you are breathing them in.. inhaling these back into the system instead of out into the air to be replaced with oxygen.

3. End game. When does it end? We are looking at the psychology of this... so you get free when you get vaxed? We all feel, on our team, that now is the time to say enough is enough. Who are these people telling us what is best for our health? This could be over tomorrow if we said, no! So what about the vulnerable? Well, what about the majority? There should be a choice. If you want to protect yourself, you can wear a surgical mask and that is your prerogative. People with underlying conditions are always going to be susceptible to secondary pulmonary infections. There are also treatment combinations successfully used in other countries (notably India) but not here...  Now that would take away an awful lot of the fear if you are in the 1-3% who might be hospitalised (nearly all in the over 80 and/or heart disease category). What's the percentage for a flu outbreak normally, by the way? Was that ever compared?


If 80% at least, have antibodies, and asymptomatic people are extremely unlikely to be able to spread something they are not suffering from, and the treatment is now finally available ( ah, but it's so cheap when vaccines are around £477 a shot, we heard - we need to check that out).... then why the heck are we being deprived of oxygen? One more thought, something to consider, why would Twitter put out a statment like this (July 2020) 'Everyone wear a mask or you don't get an edit button!' They have 15 million followers on that account and most were screaming for an edit button (for 140 characters or is it 280 now? - anyway, hardly a problem) and demanding others wear a 'f***ing mask!' So, are twitter informed doctors, virologists or medical advisors now?  Meanwhile the so called experts or paid govt advisors have chopped and changed their advise so many times, it begs the question if we should take a darned bit of notice anymore. On that note, here are some interesting links from brave professionals who are speaking out against this mandate, along with the aforementioned CDC advise!  We also recommend checking out Dr Bhuttar.

Matt Hancock's mandate for the UK, using an 'urgent' clause to enforce face covering. Please note the sections on exactly which establishments can legally enforce this and which cannot. Also, that only 'partial' protection is acknowledged. And finally, another important point is that this was never drafted in Parliament.

Stop Press:

"Netherlands has decided not to mandate the wearing of facemasks in public, citing the fact that there is no scientific evidence to suggest they are effective against the spread of the coronavirus.
“From a medical perspective there is no proven effectiveness of masks, the Cabinet has decided that there will be no national obligation for wearing non-medical masks” announced Netherlands Minister for Medical Care Tamara van Ark.
In Sweden, meanwhile, senior epidemiologist Anders Tegnell declared that there is “no point” in wearing masks in public.
“We see no point in wearing a face mask in Sweden, not even on public transport,” Tegnell said.
Sweden, which has not even instituted a lock down at any time, appears to be seeing a downward trend in cases.
At the beginning of this week, Sweden announced just 398 new cases, down from 767 the week before and 2,530 one month ago.
‘The curves go down, and the curves over the seriously ill begin to be very close to zero. As a whole, it is very positive,’ Tegnell asserted."

Stop Press:

600 Doctors

  600+ doctors say there is a problem!